Friday, January 31, 2020

Self-experiences influence the dealings of a Counselor Essay

Self-experiences influence the dealings of a Counselor - Essay Example This is the reason when I met one of my clients with a similar problem, I could understand with greater depth the reason for the occurrence of sorrow. My client had a problem with her life partner. He was strict, bold and very much inclined to hurting with thoughts and actions. Just like my teacher could make be lose self-confidence in myself, the client's life-partner could severally disrupt her self-confidence. I had a special sympathy for the case and a genuine interest in helping her out. This is because my own experiences have made me aware of how painful such experiences can be. I therefore held the client's case under sincere consideration and projected every possible help that I could extend. I remember when I use to be late for the class by even a fraction of a minute; I was humiliated as though I was the most disobedient and irresponsible creature on earth. She hardly considered me as a human being with feelings. The same thing was with my client, even her little delay in c ooking food for her partner resulted in a very dominant and practically cruel feedback from him. I understand how bad and depressed a person can feel because of the generations of such negative feelings within the boundaries of survival. The client had suffered a lot because of health reasons. However, the greater source of sorrow for the client was the humiliations and dominant dealings of her partner. The inabilities to deal with harsh words were present in the client and were becoming a constant source of sorrow induction. I could understand the position of the client more so because I had similar experiences in my childhood and youth. Other than my strict teacher, my mother too held a very harsh way of dealing with me. The client too recollected from her past experiences the thoughts of pain, which had resulted in causing a painful presentation of life to her. It is also essential to note that the similarity in the dealings with the same source of sorrow could enable me to understand the position of the client with greater depth and clarity. A regular and continuous source of putting her down was creating tons of mental tortures, which were well understood by both the words, and the expressions of the client. She also remembered how her partner had humiliated her in front of her friends when she was stuck in the wheel chair and could not manage even slight movement because of the depression. She was not helped by her life-partner even in such a depressive position. This really brought much reason for her to weep bitterly. From this episode I remembered how my mother when once I was ill refused to even bring forth for me a glass of water for taking the medicine. In the unhealthy state of body, I tearfully gathered strength to take a glass of water for myself and take the medicine by self-effort. The disease was not so severe or chronic and therefore I was healed very soon from it. However, I can never forget what pain it is when a person is ill and is not being supported. The sorrow of pain of body seems less than the pain of not being helped by others. A continuous torture of words and actions had put me in such a phase that I could not even think of passing out my exams with good grades. There was so much of pain and torture in my life that I have no words to express the pain of my heart. The same was the condition of my client. My client had thought of

Thursday, January 23, 2020

African American Family Structure Essay -- Culture Cultural Educationa

African American Family Structure Effects of African American Family Structure on School Attitudes and Performance In today's world, there is such a big emphasis on education and its importance. And there should be an emphasis. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same attitude about receiving a good education. This article attempts to discuss the attitudes of African American's towards education when a stable family structure is absent. Given, not all homes are the Cleaver family, but if a person really wants an education, they should try to concentrate on just that-their education. Parents have a huge responsibility in that if they have children in a single-parent home, the parents attitude must be encouraging for the child. If the parents have a bad attitude or let their ... African American Family Structure Essay -- Culture Cultural Educationa African American Family Structure Effects of African American Family Structure on School Attitudes and Performance In today's world, there is such a big emphasis on education and its importance. And there should be an emphasis. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same attitude about receiving a good education. This article attempts to discuss the attitudes of African American's towards education when a stable family structure is absent. Given, not all homes are the Cleaver family, but if a person really wants an education, they should try to concentrate on just that-their education. Parents have a huge responsibility in that if they have children in a single-parent home, the parents attitude must be encouraging for the child. If the parents have a bad attitude or let their ...

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Explain how an organisation could ensure its staff selection procedure promotes equal opportunities

An organisation can ensure the selection equal to making sure it is non-discriminatory. This means that all staff are selected by their ability in work ethics and their resume rather than protected characteristic, such as; age, marital status, sexual orientation, race, disability, religion and etc. For example, an interviewer cannot choose a candidate based on their race. All candidate are given a fair interview procedure. This can be done by the interview panel being mixed, having pre-listed questions or having interviews at different times and an accessible location. When regarding advertisement the organisation would need to focus on making their platform is diverse in order for it to be open up to the wide audience. The advertisement should not be limited to particular cultures or language. It should be based on the candidate resume and work ethic. Therefore, it is vital that the organisation are aware of the language they are using when advertising. The organisation having mixed panel would enable an equal chance for the interviewee because the others might balance it out and focus on the skills and qualities of the interviewee. The mixed panel consists of having a diverse panel, such as; gender, culture, disability, age and ethnicity. By having a mixed gender and culture panel can ensure that the interviewee is protected from prejudice viewpoint. An example to show the effectiveness of mixed panel interview in a selection procedure would be one interviewer having a prejudice feeling towards the interviewee and hopefully, the others can balance it. Thus creating a fairer interview for the interviewee. The one-to-one interview can cause hostility and less fairness than a mixed panel because it enables the interviewer to be in control. Whilst mixed panel has a majority decision. A second interview process that the organisation would use to make sure that their staff selection procedure is equal is having pre-listed questions. Pre-set questions make sure that everyone being interviewed is asked the same questions in order to promote equality. It made sure that the interviewer cannot ask questions that discriminate against the interviewee. For example, women being asked their being asked about their marital status. A pre-listed question would make it equal and easy to judge between the interviewees because all of the candidates would be asked the same questions. Therefore, eliminating prejudice or discriminatory questions the interviewee may be asked by the interviewer. This is because pre-listed questions are already determined questions. Thus making it standardised and more equal for the interviewees because they would be all be asked the same questions and none of them would be discriminated or given special treatment. The last interview procedure is having an interview at different times and if possible for the organisation to have its inaccessible locations. Interviews should be held in a range of times. This would granted that everyone has the time to go for an interview. It is not limiting the number of interviewees. Avoiding different slots such as 3pm-4pm due to parents picking up their children from school. For the location, it is not necessary to have five different locations but the location should be clear and if possible in more than one place. Wheelchair users should be able to access the building in order to give them an equal chance of applying for the job. Thus making sure that the organisation is promoting equality in their staff selection procedure. When advertising for job applicants the organisation to make sure that there advert is not gender restricted. This means that the advert should not be seeking one gender over the other. Using one word such as ‘waitresses needed’ can imply that the applicants must only be female rather than a mixed gender. To overcome this the organisation should use unisex words to describe professions, such as; doctors, actors, teachers, bar worker and etc. By doing this the organisation would not be limiting the number of applicants because they have opened the advertisement to both genders. It is vital that an organisation is aware of the advertising platform they are using because if they were to advert in specific broadcasting which would limit those that are not familiar with it. For example, if the organisation choose to advertise in a French newspaper. This would disadvantage those that want to apply for a job that is not familiar with the newspaper. Nevertheless, the advert should not demand a person that has a mother tongue that is French. This is due to that there are people that can speak fluently in French, however, their native tongue is not of French. The advert should head in a direction that says a ‘looking for a person fluent in French. ’ This would enable people with knowledge in French to apply. In general, the organisation should be aware of the language they use when advertising and the platform in order to promote an equal opportunity for all candidates applying for the job.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hiv in Nigeria - 2247 Words

The history of HIV and AIDS in Nigeria The first two HIV cases in Nigeria were identified in 1985 and were reported at an international AIDS conference in 19866. In 1987 the Nigerian health sector established the National AIDS Advisory Committee, which was shortly followed by the establishment of the National Expert Advisory Committee on AIDS (NEACA). At first the Nigerian government was slow to respond to the increasing rates of HIV transmission7 and it was only in 1991 that the Federal Ministry of Health made their first attempt to assess the Nigerian HIV/AIDS situation. The results showed that around 1.8 percent of the population of Nigeria were infected with HIV. Subsequent surveillance reports revealed that during the 1990s the HIV†¦show more content†¦He stated on the day, â€Å"A great majority of Nigerians have now come to accept the reality of AIDS†17. However, the statistics show that the Nigerian government desperately need to scale up HIV testing rates in order to bring the epidemic under control. Cultural practices Women are particularly affected by the epidemic in Nigeria. In 2006 UNAIDS estimated that women accounted for 61.5 percent of all adults aged 15 and above living with HIV18. Traditionally, women in Nigeria marry young, although the average age at which they marry varies between states. A 2007 study revealed that 54 percent of girls from the North West aged between 15-24 were married by age 15, and 81 percent were married by age 1819. The study showed that the younger married girls lacked knowledge on reproductive health, which included HIV/AIDS. They also tend to lack the power and education needed to insist upon the use of a condom during sex. Coupled with the high probability that the husband will be significantly older than the girl and therefore is more likely to have had more sexual partners in the past, young women are more vulnerable to HIV infection within marriage. Poor healthcare system Over the last two decades, Nigerias healthcare system has deteriorated as a result of political instability, corruption and a mismanaged economy. Large parts of the country lack even basic healthcare provision, making it difficult to establish HIV testing and prevention servicesShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Hiv In Nigeria704 Words   |  3 Pagesmillion (PRB 2016) and an HIV prevalence of 3.4% (FMoH 2013), HIV/AIDS continues to be a major public health concern in Nigeria. Recent estimates indicate that the annual number of new infections in the country has been on a steady decline, decreasing from 288,870 in 2009 to 220,394 in 2013 (NACA 2014). Nigeria’s epidemic is generalized, with wide variations in HIV prevalence within the country, across age groups, and population sub-groups. Across age groups, the national HIV prevalence ranges fromRead MoreHiv/Aids in Nigeria6960 Words   |  28 PagesLITERATURE 2.0 INTRODUCTION HIV/AIDs has been ranked among the common disease of all times that is threatening us with the extinction of youths and adults. It is not only terrorizing the entire generation but also kills and leaves millions of orphans for the oldest grandparent to carter for. 2.1 HIV/AIDS IN NIGERIA According to USAID brief (2004), Nigerian epidemic is characterized by one of the most rapidly increasing rates of new HIV/AIDS cases in West Africa. Adult HIV prevalence increased fromRead MoreHiv And Its Effects On Nigeria, Lower Respiratory Infections, And Hiv ( Cdc )884 Words   |  4 PagesAs of 2013, the CDC listed that the top 3 causes of mortality in Nigeria are malaria, lower respiratory infections, and HIV (CDC, 2013). HIV is the third leading cause of deaths in Nigeria and account for 9% of all deaths (CDC, 2013). HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. It can be contracted through the exchange of bodily fluids with another infected individual. In Nigeria, the spread of HIV occurs through high prostitution rates, unsafe sexual practices,Read MoreEPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORT OF HIV/AIDS INFECTION IN NIGERIA INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND: HIV (Human2400 Words   |  10 Pages EPIDEMIOLOGICAL REPORT OF HIV/AIDS INFECTION IN NIGERIA INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND: HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a retrovirus which infects, impairs or destroys the cells of the immune system and functions. Progression of the infection (severe immunodeficiency) leads to weaker immune system rendering an individual susceptible to more infections. These infections are termed opportunistic infections. At its most advanced phase, HIV is called AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)Read MoreThe United Nation s Millennium Development Goals1021 Words   |  5 Pagesis the combat of diseases such as HIV/AIDS and malaria in all countries. There are many countries that have made significant progress in the combat of disease; Nigeria is no exception. This is due to Nigeria exponentially increasing there treatment and counseling facilities for HIV/AIDS, along with the distribution of millions of insecticide-treated products to combat malaria. However, this doesn’t mean that their fight is over; and there are many ways that Nigeria can improve today. This c ase studyRead MoreAids : Hiv And Aids1144 Words   |  5 PagesHIV/AIDS IN NIGERIA Introduction The first case of HIV was reported in 1981 and since then, it has spread rapidly turning into a pandemic (WHO 2014). Thirty-five million people currently live with HIV worldwide and 2.1 million deaths were recorded in 2013 (WHO 2014). HIV in the WHO African region is the highest in the world as the continent bears 70% of the disease burden (WHO AFRO 2013). In 2013, 24 million people in Africa were reported to be living with HIV. One of the high burden countries inRead MoreExamining Knowledge Attitude And Sexual Practice Towards Hiv / Aids Among Students1008 Words   |  5 PagesEXAMINING KNOWLEDGE ATTITUDE AND SEXUAL PRACTICE TOWARDS HIV/AIDS AMONG SENIOR SECONDARY STUDENTS IN NIGERIA: A PUBLIC HEALTH ANALYSIS BY RASHEEDAT OLUWAKEMI OJIKUTU AND MONSURAT OLUBUKOLA OJIKUTU INTRODUCTION Several studies were reviewed to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and practice towards HIV/AIDS among secondary schools students in Nigeria, in order to determine the existing gaps and to provide future recommendations. Specific Aims The specific aims for this review are as follows;Read MoreThe Millennium Development Goals : A Global Vision For The Future1447 Words   |  6 Pagespublic. With the MDGs’ expiration date of 2015 fast approaching, the world community is focusing on the development of a post-2015 agenda. This paper seeks to contribute to this process by highlighting the main strengths and weaknesses of the MDGs in Nigeria and Haiti, deriving the lessons that can be learned from almost 15 years of experience with the MDGs. Building on these lessons, the paper suggests different ways of how they could inform and enrich the process towards the formulation of a new developmentRead MoreHiv Is A Human Immunodeficiency Virus1721 Words   |  7 PagesPicture this: a young child who is very skinny, ribs and all other bones are showing through the skin, they are born with HIV. it then leads to AIDS, due to their parents. HIV is a Human Immunodeficiency Virus. If HIV is left untreated, it can lead to AIDS, which is an acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. In Nigeria, Africa millions of people have the disease of AIDS and HIV. There is not many treatment options or solutions for this serious issue that takes place all over the country. There are aRead MoreLow Life Expectancy in Developing Country of Nigeria666 Words   |  3 Pagesdiseases such as HIV/AIDS. This essay will look at the main causes of these problems and give possible solutions, taking Nigeria as a case study, where life expectancy is 52 years with a rank of 182 out of 194 nations (WORLD HEALTH REPORT 2000). It will conclude by arguing that media and government need to take a more active approach to tackle these problems in developing countries. Nigeria has over 160 million people and one of the major problems effecting life expectancy is the HIV virus and acquired